Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for www.icurrentnews.com

Last Updated[22/09/2023]

Welcome to www.icurrentnews.com. We are happy to see you here.

Please read the Terms and Condition carefully. They will teach you the rule and guidlines for using our website.

Using our Website:

You agree to adhere to the following guidelines while using our website:

Be respectful: We welcome your thoughts and opinions, but we ask that you do it in a way that respects other people.

No Harm: We strive to deliver factual news, and we would appreciate your assistance in pointing out any mistakes.

Accurate content: We did every possible to provide accurate, authentic and reliable news, by the way have any error please let us understand and write in comments to inform us.

But do not use offensive language and vunreable words in comments and other activity related to website.

Inllectual Property:

This content: We are the exclusive owners of the text, photo and other materials on this website. You are welcome to read, share, and comment on our articles, but you must ask us first before copying or using any of our content.

Your writing: You grant us permission to use any comments or content you publish on our website. Please be sure that any content you post is legal for you to distribute.


Your privacy is important to us. But our privacy is important to you so do not try to break privacy policy. If you are found with miscallenous activity we can suspend your account temporary or permannently according to offense.

External Links and other External sources of website:

Although we may link to other websites, their content and conduct are not our responsibility. If you visit other sites via our links, be careful to read their terms and privacy policies before using other website. We are not responsible for other website please read and understand there own terms and condition.

Updates to these Terms:

We may occasionally amend and modify thesre terms and policy. If we do so will you inform via mail other contact informaition.

Ending of Account:

If you do not follow theses rules and try to break we can restict or deactivate your account according to terms and condition.